Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How I treat those I can't stand

Polite indifference. Nothing makes someone crankier than you not caring at all about them.

Only reply. Never inititate contact. I can be in the same place all day long and not speak to someone until they speak to me. Why would I go out of my way to have a conversation I don't want to have?


L: Hi Kristen! How've you been?
Me: Hello. I'm good.
L: Anything new?
Me: Not so much.
L: Well.... I should get something to drink.
Me: Ok.

You'll notice I don't speak more than essential and I NEVER ask questions. I don't care how her life is. I don't want to talk about her day. I smile and only reply and never volunteer more than I have to.

You don't have to be mean to someone you don't like. You can just ignore them. People in general will only try a couple times before they get the feeling you just aren't interested in them or their drama.

You have every right to say no. You don't need a reason or an excuse. And if someone keeps pushing, just stare at them. They will not ask again.

Occasionally, there will be the pushy person who will not leave you alone. Now this is important.

Repeat after me.
I'm not interested.
Not " Sorry. I'm not interested." What do you have to be sorry about? Why are you apologizing?
Just simply say...
I'm not interested.

It's polite. You don't have to swear or get mad. You're not calling anyone out. It's the truth and it works.

Thank you for ordering the Kristen Anti-Drama Kit. I hope you enjoy some of our other fine products such as How to Be Awesome and Karoke: Not just for good singers.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why hate?

I don't get the hate people have for those who follow different belief systems. Maybe it's just me that realizes just because someone is on a different path than you, it doesn't necessarily mean that they're going the wrong way.

Most times people will believe whatever religion they are raised with. It's drummed in that this is right and every other religion is wrong. That's always been my issue with most religions. I can't see God working that way.

Mostly, it annoys me that it now seems to be the norm to castigate christians. I was raised with a baptist mom and a lutheran dad. Discussing church creed and verse meaning at the dinner table was a normal thing for me. Most of the trouble people have with the church is old testament verses. When the new testament arrived, the old rules changed. Jesus managed to put it all in one  commandment, Love your neighbor as yourself. Regardless of anything else.

So when people pull an old verse from Levictus and say "Oh look at this nonsense that they believe." They're only getting a small part of the picture.

Religious persecution is rampant. People will die for their beliefs. I get that. Stand up for what you believe. But I don't understand the people who don't have a religion or belief system of their own promoting hate against others who do.

I have nothing but love for my friends who consider themselves christian, jewish, muslim, buddhist, or wiccan. I love my friends who are agnostic and haven't made up their minds. I even love my friends who are atheists although I really have a hard time with that belief.

I believe in God. Wholeheartedly. Noone on this earth can convince me that God isn't real. I've heard the voice.(That story can be told at a later time.) I also believe in love. Choosing love over hate is how I try to live my life.

Hate destroys. That is it's only goal. Why would someone choose that?

Everyone gets angry. Anger is a part of being human. I'm angry when I get treated badly. I'm angry when someone hurts someone I care about. I'm angry that so much is wrong with the world and I don't know how to help. But that's just anger. Hate is thicker and much more poisonous.

I choose not to hate. We are all flawed people looking for a way to get by and live life the best way we know how. Hate just makes it harder for everyone.

I don't care what your race is. I don't care what your religion is. I don't care who you vote for. I don't care how much you make. I don't judge you based on that. I care about how you treat those around you.

Thank you for reading.