Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hidradenitis Suppurativa- The Battle Continues

I joined a Hidradenitis Suppurativa Support Group on Facebook cause I believe that learning about the enemy means you can fight it better. The people are all very nice. The worrisome thing is how many have other autoimmune disorders to go along with it. Lupus, Crohn's, Hashimoto's Thryroiditis.

Lovely. Because worrying about boils and cysts and infections and inflammations and unsightly scarring just wasn't enough.

I live with infection. Even when I was on crazy doses of antibiotics, I lived with infection. I know what topicals to use, what soap to use, how to pad it so it doesn't have me in pain all day.

It doesn't go away.

Incurable diseases don't go away. They can only be managed.

At least I haven't had to have surgery yet. Most do. Most have to have multiple surgeries.

Because it never goes away. And when I have a flareup, my immune system is fighting the skin infections so I catch every other bug that's around. So I'm continually running fevers.

This is my life. It could be a lot worse than it is. I'm managing just fine at the moment. I've been swimming in chlorine a lot so that dries out the skin and seems to be helping. I only have one lesion at the moment but it's been "healing" for about a month now. It's almost done closing.

And that's it for now. Keeping on, keeping on.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ain't Nobody Got Time For That

Maybe it's because I'm running on 4 hours of sleep.
Maybe it's because I've been sick.

Maybe monkeys may fly out of my ass.

I am a patient person or rather was.

I'm not putting up with idiots and morons and selfish dicks.
Not for a while, not for a month, not for another minute.
It's time for me to stand up and be heard.

I will not be talked down to.
I will not be lied to.
I will not deal with bullshit.

I am worth more than that.
All we have in this life is time and what we make of it.

I choose not to waste my time on people who piss me off.
I choose to go after what I want.

Not what society thinks I should want, not what my family thinks I should want.

I'm sick and tired of putting my life on hold and my dreams on a shelf because others won't like it.

Screw 'em.

I want travel, I want to explore. I want to paint, and write and meet new people.

I want to be creative in my everyday life because that's what gives me joy.

So taking steps and making plans.
Step One- Save every dime I can.
Step Two- Sell off some things as in whittle it down to what will fit in a car.
Step Three- Paint and try to sell it. Write and try to sell it.
Step Four- Try for some voiceover work.
Step Five- Realize that people are going to tell me that I won't make it.
Step Six- Prove them wrong.